Children's Ministries

At Zion we believe children are important to God and therefore they are important to us.  We offer Sunday School classes for children of all ages on Sunday mornings from 9:30 am -10:40 am.  Soon we are starting a Junior Church program for children up to 5th grade during the worship service.  Team Kids meets on Wednesday evenings from 7-8 pm for all children up to 5th grade.  Team Kids is a hands on, relationship based program that helps children live God’s Word in daily living.

As part of our Children’s Ministries we plan monthly events that get families together to do fun stuff.  It might be a game night at the church, a harvest party, the church picnic, bowling, laser tag, a day at the beach, a pool party etc.   We love to plan fun times that are intergenerational for the entire family.

This year we are seeking to implement a Child Protection Policy that will require all children’s workers to take a training course in child safety and undergo a background check in order to serve in children’s ministries at ZBC.  We hope this will be fully implemented by the end of 2014.