Adult Discipleship

At Zion, we strive to help every adult embrace scriptural truth in a safe, non-threatening environment so they can grow in Christ.  The formal opportunities for adult discipleship happens during Sunday School and Wednesday Bible study.  In Sunday School we have three regular Adult Classes as well as the occasional elective class.  Wednesday Bible Study is a discussion based time where people can ask and share as they feel led to do.  Occasionally we offer electives for short periods of time on Wednesday evenings.

In addition to these weekly events we also plan special courses or events that help the Christian grow in a specific area.  ZBC offers a financial management course at least once a year: Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. ZBC also offers a marriage course once a year for anyone wanting solid teaching and mentoring for their marriage, whether they have been married for 50 years or just married last month.

The best discipleship at ZBC is what happens outside of the more formal settings, when people are simply living life together.  Mentorship is encouraged at ZBC so when we go to the beach or go fishing or share a meal together it is usually done to strengthen a relationship and reinforce what we are learning on Sundays and Wednesdays.